Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

American Goldfinch

Thought my computer went gunnybags on me yesterday. Aaaccckkk! I was beside myself mostly because I don't know a thing about computers. After I tried several things and my hubby tried too (he knows even less than me). I was resigned to the fact I had lost my pics and would have to buy a new comp. Well after a nights restless/painful sleep, I got up and tried one more time. This time I unplugged the printer from the computer and guess what? That was the problem. I may need a new printer, but that's a helluva lot cheaper than a new computer. Anyhoo, backblipped this little guy. Not the clearest shot but that's all I had. My knee/leg is getting worse, went to the doc, x-ray, nothing found, now have an appt. with an orthopedist tomorrow, got some drugs but so far 'they ain't workin'. Not going to get much commenting done I'm afraid.

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