must try harder

By halfcj

Running round in circles.

Just feels that what I've been doing all day. Banging my head against a brick wall, going over and over the same thing with one of my developers. Getting nowhere. Very frustrating....and if you're reading know who you are!!

Hope Joe's day was better than mine. maths and Biology A level...on the same day! What are the odds! He reported back that they were hard! Never sure if it's a good thing or bad thing?

Triple whammy for him was that today was the leavers 'Mufty' day!....and he had not one, but two exams! Poor fella! So he only got in just before midnight tonight as they all ended up around a pals' house for a BBQ in the early evening rain...and I guess he's had a few bevvies! :) He was walking around and around in circles himself once home. It was funny.

Great thing his school does every year is that the boys all have a bash at designing a tie, and the winners version is made up so that all the leavers get their 'Leavers' tie with the school crest and year embroidered into it. Allegedly last year's was a bit gaudy (school colours are black and yellow - take a guess!), but his is very tasteful! I'd wear it!

Finished up this evening doing a whole bunch or processing and was really pleased how quickly it all seemed to go. Things are never quite what they seem are they. Yes, I had accidentally processed them at the wrong size! really not sure how it happened, but they were all processed at 1500pxx1000px! Argh. Go to go through the whole cycle again, including batch processing them from RAW. Overnight job that one! I'm not staying up and watching paint dry!

So I wondered what I should blip tonight and I figured it was time I did the mini-me world thing, whatever it's called. I done them before but never blipped welcome to my Dilly's world. The dog that just runs round and round in circles....a bit like his owner!

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