must try harder

By halfcj

Strongly recommended.

We had a reception at Joe's school tonight for the A Level leavers. It was a reflective moment.

Sadness - as Joe is leaving his wonderful school, with new Theatre from which he will no longer derive benefit and his new Maths wing, an amazing environment to be studying in, both of which he has enjoyed for the last year at least.

Relief - as no more fees! Tempered with the realisation that should he get his grades, then there's University costs to worry about next, and slight anxiety, as if he doesn't, then it'll be into the melting pot next year when fees triple!

Emotion - the school's final rallying words to the boys they have nurtured for the last 7 years (not verbatim, but along the lines) "...knowing you all, we feel confident that you will all run your lives by putting the needs of others before your own. Good Luck. Don't forget us as we will never forget you all. Now go out with purpose and run our world."

Helplessness - For tomorrow and the job in hand, Joe has to return to school at 8.30am. For a 3 hour Maths paper followed by a 3 hour Biology paper awaits him. I wish I could do them for him. It feels like we are sending him into battle defenceless. I know it's been the same with all of them and they all must fight their own battles, but I am infused with the natural instinct to protect.

Pride - Head of year spoke glowingly of all students acknowledging the highest grade results in the schools history so far and his form tutor finishing his glowing Student Reference with 4 simple words, "We recommend him strongly".

Finishing off Windsor shots today. Bet the residents here don't have the same anxieties we do!

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