simple moments

By simplemoments

a poppy

i snuck into my neighbors yard today... i noticed she had a spot of orange in her yard and went to check it out... finding a few of the prettiest poppies. so of course i needed to snap them.

then i proceeded to spend a good chunk of time trying to get them uploaded onto my computer that continues to tell me i'm running out of space on my hard drive.... this i don't understand when there should be more than adequate space... i have moved every picture onto an external hard drive now and deleted all files. so the question becomes... once you've deleted files, have you not really deleted them at all? are they still lurking about? taking up space? i'm tired of seeing that message - because now it's not even letting me put my pics on my regular laptop anymore... i've had revert to my netbook... which is okay except much smaller to use. very frustrating.

but after a day of fiddling and groaning and appointments now i need to figure out what to do with my laptop... hmmmmm....

but i got my poppy posted so it's still a

happy day.....

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