Year Three

By RobotChicken


Well, I was looking for my own cat but Sashacat turned up instead so I'll have to do Sophie in another blip.

This particular cat is probably around 16-17 years old, house cat, and declawed. Some total git long before we owned her had her declawed for no reason at all.

Anyway, I'd like to say that with some good sense she ditched those owners and went off on a trip of discovery, but that would generous. More like she went for a walk, got lost and found a new owner that way. She's not the brightest thing, and I've met tincans with more sense than this cat. You have to remember that cats generally aren't the brightest of creatures in God's world. Nope, they are close to the dumbest. That aloof look cats are supposed to have is just a confused look. We want to think they are clever - they're not. They are the animal kingdom's rock (as in "as dumb as a").

This cat found a lizard in the house yesterday, but despite watching us throw the lizard out of the house so it could live another day, she still searched the house for it. 2+2=3.

Long story is that she lived with my wife a year or two later and never left and so we've had her for a good few years now.

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