
While I'm at home deciding whether I will live to regret opting for red floral kitchen tiles, kerrsdaddy is having a night on the tiles, again! Last week it was a night out because of the end of his previous job. Tonight it is to get to know the colleagues at his new office. Hmmm, I reckon I am owed a couple of nights out.

Kerr and I had a quiet day again today. His eyes are still a bit sticky so I didn't want to risk taking him to toddlers. We also had to wait in to see the new builder and make a final decision on the oak doors. Too many decisions to be made!

Little Mr Accident Prone managed to trip over his spaceship toy this afternoon and knock the scab off his split chin from earlier in the week. This resulted in lots of blood, tears and cuddles again. Just as I thought it was healing nicely too :-(

Thankfully it is underneath his chin so the scar won't be visible.

I'm very pleased and honoured to receive a mention from minch in his article on this week's Blip Blog - thank you!

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