
I had today's blip in the bag and all ready to upload. A lovely shot of him in the bath with big splashes and a great smile.

Kerrsdaddy and I were downstairs having dinner and enjoying a glass of wine while watching the Champions League final. We have spent all day today doing some much needed life laundry - clearing out all the books and cds in the 'wee room' ready for new flooring and decoration in the next week or so. Kerr had been in bed for about an hour, chatting away quite happily to himself which we could hear through the monitor. He called for me a few times but i resisted going up to him because he usually just asks for cuddles / milk / books etc. basically a delaying tactic for me to stay in the room and chat to him.

Around 8.30pm he started shouting more persistently for me so I went upstairs to tuck him in. This is what I found! I quickly shouted 'come up here and bring the camera, quick!'
The wee rascal was having a great time - he had taken off his sleeping bag and pyjamas which you can see on the floor, along with all his beloved Mimis. He was dancing around the cot to the music on Scout his musical teddy!

Thankfully I think he is now asleep. Probably because he is no longer shivering in just his nappy!

Kerrscousin Lucy started doing this a few months ago and my sister had to resort to putting her sleeping bag on back to front so that she couldn't undo the zip.

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