Happy birthday.. so I shall tread on you ...
An injury occurred at the twins Immy and Lucys party !! a nasty accident involving my Lucy's red shoe and Lucy birthday girls arm and finger !! All I can say is,make sure the other person is off the slide afor you go .... skin missing.. weeping ..nervous apologies... HOWEVER this was taken after the incident and all was well... Lucy the injured did in fact say that Lucy the injurer was not nasty and it was a mistake,cakes were exchanged and hugs... I wish everything could be settled that nicely.
Mr W as you all know came home last night as he had been away for nigh on 3 weeks,so I took to my bed.No really...Eve was poorly still and I took to the bed with her and there I festered till 4.30 when we went to the party and now I am back in my PJ's festering once more on the sofa... its a hard life.
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