
By middleman


Somedays in the pool it's pretty easy and enjoyable, other days it's simply something to get over and done with. Went for some exercise after work and I never got into my rhythm, never found my groove. There were only a handful of lengths amongst the hundred that had some kind of flow to them and these were (I noted them mentally at the time) in the high 80s, low 90s. The rest of them were rubbish, a slog. Ach, next time...

Coincidentally (really, I couldn't make this up if I tried) I found myself later in the day down along the canal photographing fenceposts whilst listening to some tracks from the late 80s, early 90s by my favourite band of all time, The Fall. I couldn't have been happier, especially with stuff as magnificent as this.

Note for the technically-interested. Met a fellow blipper quite by chance the other night and talk about his purchase of a new lens spurred me on to dig my old Nikon Series E 50mm f1.8 (circa 1980) out of the camera bag marked miscellaneous. It only works in manual mode and it's manual focus too all the way with this little baby, but expect some real depth with it for the next few days at least. I think it's one I'm going to have a lot of fun using again.

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