
By middleman


That bit in Apocalypse Now when Marlon Brando ushers his final words of "the horror, the horror", well I was fully expecting to be fulfilling the Kurtz role on my return home last night on witnessing the devastation of my flat but you know, it was actually fine and I had a wee peak in the living room to see all the Sleepover Party guests laid out on a mixture of cushions and mattresses, really not looking at all like they would all be up a-chattering and a-whooping in five hours time. I'm getting old, I must be, five hours sleep these days is not nearly enough. Consequently today has been a little on the l-o-n-g side.

What has really got me through the day however is repeated listens to a CD that I bought incredibly cheaply off my mate on ebay. I was banging on about Flying Saucer Attack and Third Eye Foundation t'other week and I'm going to link to another of their tracks today, from the 1998 album 'You Guys Kill Me', this is the opening track.

Note: Quick cultural recommendation - the restored version of Apocalypse Now comes to Edinburgh's Filmhouse this Friday for a week's run. If you've only ever seen it on TV, the big screen experience is pretty mindblowing.

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