A busy day today. I took the children to our coffee morning club this morning which they love as there is so much to do. We had great fun making cards and playing with playdoh and it was a first birthday of a little boy there so we had scrummy birthday cake too.
Went into Exeter shopping as I need to get storage for when I begin my childminding and wanted to price it up. Not sure how but while there managed to buy clothes, shoes, hats, bags and toys!!!!
Once home I had to take Archie kitten over to the vets as he hasn't seemed right the last few days. We have had trouble with fleas on him, all the cats get frontlined and I treat the house but for some reason Archie keeps getting them and according to the vets this is getting more common with frontline so has given us something they use. He also rewormed him and checked his weight which is all fine. But on checking his heart he has discovered that Archie has developed a heart murmer, apparently a grade 3 where 6 is the worst. Going to keep an eye on him and he is to be weighed again in a few weeks and we have to decide wether to scan the heart or not. Think we will go for the scan as he is such a lovely cat and i can't just leave something that could harm him.

This picture is Erin taking her baby to the vets when we got home. She was so sweet chatting to it to keep it calm and looking after it. I love watching them role play, it's probably my favourite game they play.

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