More Life of Sands

By sands


Last night, I joined N and 4 of his dive club pals for a wee night dive at Loch Long. We met them at one of the camp sites there and helped them put their tent up as they were planning on stopping there overnight. It was raining and the midges were out in full force and N had been sensible enough to bring along his midge net - he looks so handsome in it, don't you think ;-)

We went for out dive at about 9.30pm just as it was starting to get dark and it was great! We dived a site called Conger Alley which is a wee rocky reef renowned for it's congers. My dive buddy and I didn't see any of the adult congers but I did see a couple of young ones.

It was such a lovely, relaxing, chill out dive and only my second UK night dive - I want more now :-)

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