must try harder

By halfcj

Who's the Daddy!

First I am compelled to say, I think this evening we just witnessed the best footballer that has ever lived playing for the best football team that has ever been. They made the best football team in England look like amateurs. History in the making.

Two apologies:
1. Any Manchester United fans offended by my truism.
2. Any American's confused by my use of the word football. I know you think your game is football and ours is called soccer, but you guys use your hands. We use our feet and occasionally our heads. Our beautiful game is football. We invented it.
No offence to anyone intended.

To my blip. It's about Dylan and his relationship with our other, somewhat meaningless pet whose life appears to have no great purpose. But that matters nought to Dylan, for you see, he is a tad confused. We think that be believes he is our tortoise's legal guardian. I might even go as far as to say that he thinks he is the biological father!

When we let him out of his wooden box that we laughingly call his home, more like his prison, Dylan follows him around everywhere, shivering with anxiety and whimpering like a pathetic chihuahua scared to go out in the rain. We have worked out that he is actually protecting the little fella, who incidentally is called 'Chomp'. Don't ask!

Chomp makes his way around the room going where no man would tread, fearing nothing. But he has no need to fear, for Dylan is here! As soon as Chomp heads towards anything that Dylan considers at all dangerous, he is there, moving the obstacle out of Chomps way, clearing a path to the reptiles destination. If he is unable to move the obstacles, he places himself in the way or nudges Chomp away from danger.

It would take just one bite. His instinct as a gun dog should have the little critter in his jaws without a second thought, but the closest he gets to Chomp is a little nudge. Sometimes he goes to use his paw to move him along, but one word from us (as we are more aware of that danger than Dylan is) then Dylan thinks twice and reverts to his pathetic whinging. Not that he is intending to harm by using his paw, but he doesn't know his own strength.

It's really quite a spectacle to behold. Still, they say dogs have a instinct about such things and as his normal instinct is to 'spring' the critter out of the undergrowth so it can be shot, then his behaviour suggest he knows something we don't.

......perhaps we should be having some tests done!? Maybe it's a former life thing?

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