Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Homemade Tiramisu

If my future parents-in-law were Chinese they probably wouldn't approve of my coming home 'early' at 4am, which has happened twice already.

After the card game we chatted about problems in life... my conclusion is that, after 12 midnight, nobody thinks straight and nobody's willing to let go of their beliefs and be challenged. Better do something fun or go to bed!

Sadly I couldn't sleep when I got back. Every time I hit the pillow, a new wedding-related thing pops up for me to think about.

Had a frustration moment when I found out we couldn't start the dinner as early as I planned, and hence, cutting into dancing time. Going to the venue on Tuesday morning, hopefully we'll be more informed.

Roberto's mum made tiramisu tonight. She wanted to show me how it's done, wishful thinking that I'd ever make it for her son! Everyone do things differently, and she's the let's-get-it-done type. Finished in 20min. We'll see what it tastes like tomorrow.

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