Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Word Jam!

After lunch and some more spreadsheets, I met up with the English girl that was in my first Italian class. It was lovely catching up and she introduced me to this electrical home appliances store where I was completely shocked by what some devices can do. Not that I cook, but will definitely go back to buy something useful.

In the evening Pablo and Giovanni drove me to a village outside Turin called Poirino. We had dinner at Emilio and Nancy's home and their place is amazing. HUGE balcony with a view overlooking nothing but trees and grass. The joy of living outside a city!

At 11pm we spent at least 30min trying to understand this card game called Word Jam. It's a word game (obviously) where an unknown topic dictates the words that you have to think of, with any of the 5 consonants dealt from a deck of cards. Each consonant is given a certain number of points by another deck of cards and basically the more of those exact consonants there are in your word, the more points you get.

The whole game was played in Italian and I didn't come last! Whoop Whoop!!

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