Yorkshire Life

By arroset

Berwick on Tweed

Left Aultbea about 8 am in heavy showers (why not?) to drive to Inverness where I caught the train to Edinburgh. At Edinburgh I had about 10 mins to cross the station to catch the London train which stops at York. Made it OK. Took this shot from the window as we crossed the river at Berwick on Tweed where the sun was shining!

Arrived at York a little late which meant I had only a few minutes to catch my connection to Harrogate. Got to platform 10 as instructed to find the train was now going from platform 8! Chaos all round, but got there in time.

Train sets off, I couldn't find my ticket! So had to buy another on the train, ten minutes later I found my ticket! The ticket man rolled his eyes somewhat, can imagine what he was thinking! But he gave me my money back.

Glad to be home!

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