
By Viewpoint

Garden Table abstract

Today it has rained constantly - just right for the garden but it's kept us inside today. Having taken so many photos recently and somewhat lacking inspiration I rather lazily pointed my camera out of the upstairs window this morning. Result, five blurry photos of the plants around the pond and two fairly sharp shots of the aluminum garden table which I've had a little fun playing with.

This has been the only thing that I have had fun with today. First I struggled to transfer my edited photos of M's 50th celebration from my Mac laptop, to my desktop PC. A good hour wasted there. Then I thought I might use Photobox to create a photobook to give to her and I've been thwarted there too - Firefox crashed again, which is something that seems to be happening with this new version, so another hour and a half wasted there. And to add to the misery the internet is running extra, extra slow. No doubt BT are siphoning off the bandwidth so that their video customers get the benefit!

I'm clearly sounding (feeling) very grumpy at the moment so need to change activity. I'll have a think - I was going to create a new collagraph plate for my printmaking today so maybe I should go and do that instead.

At least I've been able to post a CD of images through M's letterbox - so all is not lost.

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