Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Nutella Cupcakes without the Nutella...

Was following a recipe from my Hummingbird book for Nutella cupcakes - was half way through before I realised it wasn't hazlenut chocolate spread at all...just chocolate.

However they are filled with chocolate spread and the frosting has it in it too. I was experimenting with 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' in both the cake and the frosting. In the cake it seemed to work fine but the intial batch of frosting I did just became a horrible goopy mess. It was like gross runny custard. And when you tasted it, you certainly could tell it wasn't butter. So with the second try I went with Stork instead of butter (mainly because I didn't have any butter) and it worked much better. Had to add a little more icing sugar to get it just right but they've come out beautifully. And you save about 100 calories per cake because there's no butter in the cupcake base. Total calorie bargin. ;)

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