
By Nigel


Whilst picking some things up from Lupe Pintos I noticed this stuff on the shelf by the Tequilla. Clam juice is supposed ot be good for sangrita and the first Luipe Pintos book mentions clamato so I thought I'd give it a try, not in sangrita but in a Bloody Maria. It makes a very nice drink, not as fishy as I was lead to believe, but overall it puts me in mind of Homer's Tomacco plant in The Simpsons.

Tried making Rilletes today, it's basically very slow roasted Pork in Duck or Goose fat until it confits then the meat is shredded with 2 spoons and seasoned. It tastes good but it is supposed ripen a few days before being properly ready to eat so we await with baited breath to see if it as nice as the stuff we got from France.

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