With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Phew, I hope.

I felt truly terrible when I woke up, after that film incident yesterday evening. Xavi helped get me back to the real world and got my backhand going again however, then I raced a coffee, bank and then back for a cold shower (no, just because I keep forgetting the butane bottle needs changing!). My, that did get me totally back!

I had an appointment in Palma, all very straightforward, just a little health check, and then some rummaging in Porto Pi, and a little lunch with F.
Oh yes, we got caught in the torrential rain, sitting outside Diablito when everyone else was sensibly inside. It's pretty difficult trying not to look in a mirror in places like shopping centres. We were real drowned rats.

I found a few lovely little things for me and the boys and then had a call to say Ben wasn't feeling well and could I get him early from school. Nothing wrong with him as far as I can tell, maybe a tummy ache, which disappeared very quickly. Hmmm. Anyway, they are hoppping around downstairs, because I've just downloaded a trial version of lightroom, I shot this in RAW and this is my first attempt to mess about with things in a slightly more professional way.

One small step.

Blimey, what a long, long day...

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