michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Goose Class

"Ok, kids...tilt your heads a liitle to the left, and then tilt them upward. This will help you in the event of an air attack." A Mother Goose

I felt like I walked into a instructional family lesson. This is 14 of the babies of the family of 20 goslings. 11 of them are trying to mimic what mom is doing. Gary, Gerry, Larry, and his other brother Larry are not doing so well. The 20 babies are all still intact, but 1 of them is limping badly. He has trouble getting out of the water on the foot, and when he finally does get out, he lags behind. This forces one of the parents to lag behind, too. I'm afraid if they leave him in the water...one of the other mothers will attack him. I looked to see if it was fishing wire, but could'nt see any. The web just kind of dangles. Sad.

A big morning at the boat-launch park. At one time there were six different geese families, and two different families of ducks. The ducklings were tiny...maybe a day or two old. Did'nt get a real good photo.

Years ago in our euchre club, we found out our 50-something year-old dad was expecting a baby. The other 5 guys met him at the door...we bowed down before him, and said, "You da man..You da man!!!!"

I thought I was going to see some real action today. A family with 4 goslings was near the launch. Across from them was another family with 5 little ones. The family with 20 goslings headed for the water. I thought to myself, "Here we go", and got my camera ready. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. With dad leading the way...the other 2 dads took a single step back, as if to say..."You da goose...you da goose." On the spot, the father of 20 got a nickname. He is now Moses.

One good thing to report. I spotted the family of 8 today that had the 1 gosling with the fishing wire wrapped around her leg. We cut off the line a few days ago. (Story and foto on May 23.) She just barely limps and has no trouble at all keeping up with the rest of the family. I swear as I sat there at the picnic table that she glanced my way,and gave me a little wink. I winked back.

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