michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Shaking Drake

A tough blip choice. I had a new mother Robin on her nest...a stray black lab rushing my ducks...7 colorful kayaks getting out of the water, and a mother duck with 6 new ducklings.

Then, this pretty boy started doing some water aerobics.

Last year in Florida, my wife and I were going downstairs at 8:30 a.m., for a water aerobics class. It was me and Old John and 14 women. I like those odds. The workout really loosens you up, but the music and the lady on the CD are really annoying. If it was a real person...I would splash her right in the face.

This duck did'nt need no stinkin music or instructions to do his exercises. I have yet to figure out what they are trying to do, but they beat-beat-beat the water, and then do a shimmy-shimmy shake. They also do a dip-dip-dip, and then come out of the water with a full-wing spread. This picture is a shake. I call him...Jake, the Shaking Drake at the Lake.

I love the green on their heads. There are a lot of great greens in nature, but I think this green is the best of them all. So vibrant.

I took a long, long kayak ride today. (3-plus hours). The forecast of high winds should have kept me out of the river. On the way out...the wind was at your back, but you were going against the current. Coming back, you had the current, but you had to fight the wind. The river part was'nt bad, but any kind of open water was tough. A little too much of a workout for me. Plus, I hooked up with a 45 year old guy,(I'm 58), so my stupid male ego resurfaced, and I had to try to keep up with him. In some things...we never learn. I might have to take a little N-A-P with Niya, my needy chihauhau.

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