My fridge/my terrace

By fridgeguy

fridge 31.05.11

Bit of a shock to the system being back at work after my glamorous break at centrparcs, but even so I made myself make a salad to take in to the office so that was a good start to the day.

Made myself a deal that when i got home if I made chicken stock and chicken noodle soup from yesterday's roast, then I didn't have to go for a run. Funnily enough I was chopping up veg for the stock in no time.

Soup was fab and the leftovers are now safely stashed in the fridge and will shortly be followed by the stock when it finishes cooling.

It's been a rather domestic evening as i resolved to get back into the habit of making my own bread and so the flat now smells of a freshly baked loaf. Am going to go to my bed now in order to resist having 'just one slice'. Oh the evil of carbs.

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