My fridge/my terrace

By fridgeguy


June the 1st and all's well, or something like that. Not sure how we got to half-way through the year already, but that's probably something to do with my age or fluoride in the water or something like that.

Here are today's fridge-watch headlines.
A batch of new potatoes were marinated in olive oil, rosemary, garlic and lemon juice earlier today and then roasted to form part of tomorrow's lunch. Many of these said potatoes have now mysteriously vanished, but a few have made it to the relative safety of the fridge.

The last of the roasted chicken found it's way into a risotto and there's a goodly amount left for tomorrow's lunch, which is probably just as well given headline one.

Chicken stock is made and cooled and ready to be added to something suitable in the near future.

I dunno it's feast or famine with this fridge, a bit like today's 'summer' weather.

Over and out.

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