a life in photos

By fernridge


KAIAPOI - MOVING FORWARD: LOOKING BACK - Stories about our community

Another job for work...

Had to take photos of the board put up on Willaims Street for something for work... its all I do photos for at the moment, as my camera is yet again out of action... I"m in that space of not knowing what to do with it now, whether to get it fixed, because its a good camera, or just replace it.

Anyway, these boards - they were put there for people to write what they wanted about their town - a sort of view point following the earthquakes - a way of healing and looking forward to the future. It was really mind blowing reading some of the things written on them.

"I love Kaiapoi becasue of the fantastic people.. and the beautiful river... that beats like a strong heart!
"its my soul place"
Its where I grew up, I couldn't live anywhere else"

and many others, if you get the chance to visit Kaiapoi they are well worth a read. The common them was the community feeling of the place, and the strength and the support which has come forth following the earthquakes.

This photo is just a small corner of one of the 6 boards... but to me it summed up the whole thing....

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