
Another job for work, take photos of the opening of the Mandeville Bridge.

This might not sound something exciting, but it actually was. The bridge was pretty much destroyed in the Setpember 4 earthquake - there were lots of photos of it on the news in the days following - because the bridge (its only a walking bridge) connects the school and shopping centres to each other and the other side of Kaiapoi.

So.... Tuesday was the day, except that Monday threw another couple of earthquakes into the mix, so they postponed it until Friday. Took lots of photos - it was a pretty neat celebration - no ribbon cutting and ceremonial speaches, just a lot of decorations the school children who use the bridge had made. They hung the decorations on the bridge and then walked across the bridge to get a certificate from the mayor and a few other local identities.

No photos of the action on here, because I didn't have permission from any of the children's permission, so here's Mr Gull who came to watch the proceedings - he's sitting on one of the swingbridge guideropes.

It was a great afternoon and I got lots of photos of the kids enjoying themselves, and the crowds watching.... HOWEVER, imagine my surprise when I open the papers (both our local Northern Outlook and the Press), to find the "official press photographer" had been busy taking snaps and publishing one of a couple of ladies walking across the bridge...... hmmmmmmmm now how did he get to publish that without my permission? lol

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