Travelling light

Years of conference going have coincided with the demands of IT to stay connected. Why? Because you can! Being involved in training issues in two very diverse professions (surgeons and clergy) brings me to the conversation I had yesterday. If we are finding new ways of pursuing core skills for these young men and women -and the debate is the same in both professions - we should be much more intentional in teaching advanced computer skills. Because they are all going to use them all the time.

This is my travelling companion. Because I like to travel light. As I-pads go it is quite elderly. It is certainly not the latest generation. But I keep finding it more and more useful. It is making a come back with me. It's a lot less to lug around than even the lightest netbook. And my manual dexterity (another training question for surgeons) is not good enough for smart phones.

My blip posts from Manchester say "from me I-phone". Not true -I don't have one! But they do come from the I-pad. Upload from the SD card and straight on to blip via MY FIND OF THE WEEK! Blipfoto has produced the most amazing interface for I-pad! A thousand times more pleasurable even than being on the desktop.

It almost makes travelling worth while. But then I suppose I could use it at home just the same!

(with apologies to all those for whom nerdtalk is simply boring)

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