Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Elixir of Life

This is a cheap shot if ever ther was one. Continuing the story of yesterday and the visit of Mr & Mrs Eopix, what was I presented with immediately upon their arrival? This bag of coffee beans, that's what. But wait... just look at the label!

I wonder if the folk who own this company are long lost relatives of mine...

... it might be fun, not to mention financially rewarding if it turned out to be so. But how delightfully thoughtful of my friends to think of me in this way and to haul these beans half way round the world to me... that's the kind of folk you meet in Blipland.

So now, with beans ground, I'm off to sample same. There is no doubt about it, the ne'er say goods can say what they like but you can't beat a cup of good coffee. I call it the elixir of life, even better that alcohol (sometimes!!)

There is no way I am going to catch up on yesterday's lack of commenting but I am certainly going to look at and refer to, all your work of today.

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