Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Mr & Mrs Eopix

Blipland is quite an amazing place where we make so many friends. Today however was made very special when I met with Eopix and his lady wife who have travelled all the way from the far side of Canada on holiday. We had a hoot of a day, travelling to Glendalough to visit the old nonastic ruins and walking down the length of the valley to the waterfall and the old mine workings. Here we find Eopix himself blipping away happily with his favourite model.

Thanks guys for dropping by and for providing such stimulating company and conversation. Enjoy your stay and have fun down in the South West.

After a long day out and my eldest brother visiting any minute now, I shant get much opportunity to do any commenting this evening. My apologies. I will do my best to catch up later tonight and tomorrow.

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