
Day 37 of it raining at some point of the day, getting fair scunnered of this.

Came home at 8pm last night then got a panic call from my cousin to come to their house right away. When we drove up to his mothers house, I saw an ambulance and a police car so I was prepared for the worst, just didnt know who?

One of the ambulance drivers who was outside said it was my cousins husband who had just passed away. When we went in there he was lying on the floor looking like was sound asleep.. He had sat down to watch his favourite TV soap, gave a gasp and died, just as quick as that. His wife (my cousin) was with him and phoned the ambulance but she knew in her heart her husband of 46 years aged 73 was gone!

We had to stay in the house and assist the police with details and comfort my friend with her dead husband still on the floor as no one was allowed to move him until the doctor got in touch with the Proquerator Fiscal and say that he died of natural causes. All this took almost two hours before finally the undertaker came to take him away. Harrowing indeed to say the least.

She is coping as well as can be expected, her family will all be here soon and the funeral will be next wed, (some other folks in front of him)

It seems a very strange rigmaroll once some one has died but I have to say all the police etc were very kind and sensetive to her.

The chap who died was one of these old fashioned folks and after his funeral I will probably say more of him, suffice to say I will miss his friendly banter.

Now I need to go back up to her house to help her sort out the order of service .

Catch you all later

Todays picture is of someone wearing a rainmate as the said person has been moaning about it being raining every single day since the 5th May

Revenge will be mine come Fathers DAy!

Have a good blip evening all

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