This day

By snapper

Driving on eggshells

Plenty work to , did a few visits while on the island. The day began dull with mist but soon brightened up and by mid afternoon was very nice indeed.

Went to visit A & A (no! not alcoholics anon) but two good friends who insisted on giving me two humonous goose eggs to take back to my pals. Have you ever tried driving with two goose eggs as front passengers? the first bend I came to sent them rolling along the seat. Then A sheep jumped out and the twins then lurched forward as I grabbed them like some mental hen!. A few miles further some idiot was tailgaiting me but I couldn't do my usual foot on the brake trick lest the goosey eggs went hurtling through my windscreen.
Finally broke off to the track to my friends house with more pot holes than I swear were there this morning!

At last I got my precious cargo to her house and it her kitchen in one piece without having any egg on my face as it were!

Long ferry crossing home tomorrow! Hope its smooth as I don't sail well

Good blip evening to you all

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