
By scharwenka

Twisted Delphinium and Colourful Border

The light-blue delphinium had an accident (high wind) a few weeks ago, and we put a splint on the collapsed stalk. It appears to have recovered enough to flower, but my orthopaedic work was evidently inexpert. I really took this 'photo because I thought the bright Californian poppies looked splendid back-lit by the lowish sun.

The light-blue delphinium had a dark-blue companion last year, as you will see from my Blipfoto entry for 15 June 2010. The dark-blue one seems sadly to have been killed in the heavy frosts of the winter. However, we kept some seeds from the autumn, and they might yet germinate.

It was while out in the front of our house taking this photograph that I heard a nostalgically familiar sound of some heavy piston aero engines. I looked up, and to my utmost surprise saw a Lancaster (rather, the Lancaster, since as far as I know there is only one flying on this side of the Atlantic (BBMF)). So the sound was the wonderful noise of four Merlins growling away. The 'plane was almost directly overhead, pretty low, and appeared to be descending, so I can only surmise that it was heading for Brize Norton. But why was it here at 7:45 pm, and where had it been? It didn't have its usual BBMF escort of Spitfire and Hurricane.

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