'av a word

I make no real apologies for doing the same thing two days in a row. The truth is today it is a lot more relevant, as I sincerely need to sit myself down for a good chat.

Let's launch straight into the laughing at my misfortune shall we? Yesterday as you know I had to tax my car. I took my Mums car to the PO because my tax had expired, and on the way out collected my documents from my car. I got back to work, settled down and had a lovely lunch (actually it was vile, cheese and chili sauce) before cracking on with some work. Mother departed around 2pm to go see my nephew 40 miles away and work on until 5pm. Then at 5pm I went to drive home...... and realised my car keys were in my Mums car. 40 Miles away.

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So Zana and Kirky ended up picking me up, but of course I couldn't get in my house (stands to reason I keep my keys in the same place) so I had to bum around there until 9pm. Was I happy? No. Is the short answer.

I did get home to catch the Apprentice though. Double firing...... ooooooh how exciting. Don't know if any of you guys watch it but I've a sneaky suspicion that one of the dark haired girls on last nights winning team might snatch it. However Jim is the top male: perhaps a bit too domineering to work with Sugar.

Anyone see the Panorama documentary the other night about abuse in care homes for people with learning difficulties? Abhorrent behaviour. I'd like some left wing fantasist to come on here today and try and defend the absolute scum who treated those poor people in such a brutal and vicious manner, day after day. Abuse of power and abuse of those unable to defend themselves is more cowardly than any crime and in my eyes should carry massive sentences. It's the same with crimes against children, we are too tolerant as a society in believing certain people can be rehabilitated: sure rehabilitate but only after punishment. Contrast our prison system with that of Louis Theroux's experiences of the Miami super jail: in there they have a 14 year old boy locked up as a man!!! Our country is soft.

Where are we not soft? When kicking off with FIFA, the most corrupt jolly boys club in the world. England are now as popular in world football as Gary Glitter would be at a PTA meeting. You know what? We don't care. We've proudly stood up for the truth and honour of our nation against an organisation that has as much integrity as Eurovision.

Mind you the FA are wankers as well at home, kinda like a stepdad that sticks up for his kids down the pub but then locks them in the cellar when he gets home.

For the rest of todays experience please close your eyes and allow the early 90's grunge to flow through your veins like a fish in the sea.

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