Is Jesus coming?

No. He's just panting and sweating a lot.

I noticed this little gem on my way somewhere, once. I decided today to get my pathetic ass out of the office and on the road for a blip. Wish I hadn't now. I noticed the schemers, scroungers and the rats were all sunning themselves drinking cheap ale and laughing in the face of full time employment. I noticed we were paying for it. Is there any justice in that? The only marginal justice is every one of them had one of the following characteristics: Big fat gut, nasty blue veins on bumpy white legs, inappropriate tattoos on the neck or face, illegitimate kids, or sunken skaghead eyes. Some had more than one.

They were still enjoying the sun though, laughing at us.

So whats on the agenda this weekend? I've made a firm vow not to press the self destruct button again so I guess it'll be Kirky and some ale. At some point I'm having my wig clipped and I may even venture into the shed to see if the Flymo is still capable of cutting my lawn: I've left it to grow 'fairly' thick and high. I was trying to get some tigers or something to move in but the best I've managed is a frog which was nice for Rascal as she loves a bit of continental cuisine every now and again.

Having a weekend without football is a bit like eggs without bacon or Jordan without the overbearing stench of chlamydia. I get a bit lost not having that structure to work to, the whole 'ground at 1', 'beer at 5 past 1', 'beaten by three fifteen', home by 5pm' thing going on I even miss smelling like a pikey when I get out the suit.

So cheers for all those kind comments and that over the past day or two. I'm getting a couple of spotlights a week at the moment and its about the only ego boost I get at the minute. So yeah, tis appreciated. I hope that didn't come across as arrogant, but getting my 'spotlight' notification (and even a few favs) does give me an inner glow for a few hours. Like sherry. Or MDMA.

Right I must go I've just assembled a cheese toastie and judging by the commotion from the kitchen it's making a bid for freedom in molten cheese form.

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