Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Catch My Fall

Evening all,

Well woke up this morning with lovely puffy eyes all swollen like i'd had a midnight nibble of Mike Tyson's nose and he'd taken offence and exacted a quick retribution,

however over the course of the last twenty four hours i've rediscovered the universal panacea, which works for all aches,pains and allergies......Ice Cream and red wine!!

Obviously these are to be taken orally in good healthy doses, the recommended prescribed amount is lots, at least six times a day,and to continue the course for the remainder of the doesn't actually cure you, but you're too far gone to care!

Spent the morning catching up on the blips that i couldn't see yesterday(!) and running in and out with the kleenex up the nostrils and the welders goggles on, then took advantage of a gap in the weather this afternoon to drag the family out for a quick geocache.... the best definition of geocaching that i've seen is the one that goes something like

" the art of using multi million pound satellite technology to locate plastic tupperware hidden in the woods"

Anyhoo, had a quick half hour in the woods following my little electronic walking guide,who is very good and very accurate, but doesn't actually watch the terrain for you and tell you when not to fall down the huge holes and divots in the ground,

i thought that was what the companions were for, turns out they were too busy guessing where i'd fall, and laughing when i did, rotters!

Anyway, best get back to the red wine, i feel a sneeze coming on.......

Billy Idol

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