My Mind's Eye

By meyeeye


As I was editing tonight ...I fortunately took a moment to look away from the screen and peek out the Western window. I gasped in amazement and practically did a double take as I saw a window filled with pink sky...edge to edge. I grabbed the camera threw on my boots and Preson's Barn coat and began running to the most beautiful sky that I have seen in a very long time. I missed the sun hitting the water, but at least was able to soak in all of the pink and red hues that filled the sky. This was shot with my 50...wished I had grabbed the wide angle to show how much of the sky was full of color, but I stood back as far as I could to give you an idea. Thanks to my Mom, who stayed with "L" so I could run to the edge... an absolutely spectacular scene. Sometimes I really feel like I live on a movie set out here.

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