The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty


Unfortunately though the living ain't quite so easy when you've got all six of Satans Minions to march the full two miles to the village for their various mornings of childcare (really says a lot when you will put yourself through a five mile round trip just to offload your offspring for a couple of hours). Still the sun was shining, the Minions were decked out in their shorts and along the way we saw enough hawks, pheasants, rabbits and tractors to keep everyone entertained.

By the time we had deposited the ones we were getting rid of Minion number two and myself had just enough time to get home and clean out the paddling pool before setting out to retrieve them again. The paddling pool was part of a cunning plan for revenge on the neighbour who had been burning her rubbish the day before. I figured that just about nothing makes more noise than a bunch of kids splashing about in water and given her liking for peace and tranquility it seemed like the perfect way to wind her up. Just to make sure I threw in some water pistols and ice lollies then settled back with my ear plugs and a book. Within 15 minutes there was much door slamming from the direction of the neighbour. Result. The nobbly bobbly ice lollies also went down a treat. To the extent that when Minion number twos melted faster than she could eat it the rest of the Minions swarmed round her to help lick the hundreds and thousands off the paving slabs. Lovely.

Quote of the day: "TRACTORS!!!! I see two Massey Fergusons and one John Deere. My tractors a John Deere. It's green." Minion number three, aged three. Has an encyclopaedic knowledge of tractors. Teuchter born and bred.

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