The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

If You Go Down To The Woods Today

Today was the day for the senior Minions to go on their walk through the local woods. We go there quite often but today they were lucky enough to get the guided tour from Robbies dad who is a forester. I don't quite know how he got roped into it (probably asked by his wife whilst he was in the middle of something else and too distracted to know what he was signing up for) but he was kind enough (or foolish enough) to agree to take 26 4 and 5 year olds for a walk round the woods in the bucketing rain. Rather him than me. The Minions at least were dressed for it. We saw them all walking up through the village dressed in their nursery issue red suits and black wellies. They looked rather like a bunch of shrunken escapees from Gauntanamo Bay. Still, a good time was had by all and they came home with plenty of souveniers- the woods are probably looking a whole lot more barren after their visit.

After their mornings exertions I decided to let them spend the afternoon watching a film with some popcorn. This ensured around 20 minutes of peace until they started bickering over who had the most. By this time Minion number two had already had to be bathed as she has discovered the toilet is full of water and makes an ideal substitute for a paddling pool.

Quote of th day: "I've got an old mans beard. I wanted the big one but my teacher said it wouldn't fit in the car." Minion number one. Looks like we had a lucky escape.

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