All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Out for the count

Another busy day for Ethan.

I had some work to catch up on, so hubbie took Ethan out and about early doors, to let me work in peace. They went to The Centre, then to Almond Valley Heritage Centre. They were out so early, they got there before it opened so were first in through the doors as soon as they were allowed!

They came back at lunchtime and Ethan wolfed his down. Despite the fact he'd not had a nap yet, by 2pm he was still bouncing around and full of beans. I was going to take him for a walk in the pushchair but instead hubbie suggested we drive into Edinburgh. So we did. We went to JoJo Maman Bebe to look at an outfit I was thinking of getting him for the weddings we're going to soon. They hadn't got the specific one I wanted but we tried on a few things to check the sizings so I could order on line. However, after passing some of the kilt shops, we had a change of plan and ended up buying him a kilt. So cute!

We then headed down to my sisters flat so we could feed Ethan his dinner. He enjoyed seeing her and baby Eden again (3 times in a week - what a good week)! By the time we left, it was past his bedtime. So we skipped bathtime when we got home (in fact he only woke up after we started undressing him. Even moving him out of the car to the bed didn't make him stir at all). He had his milk and went back to sleep within minutes.

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