All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Softly softly

Ho hum - Monday already. Weekends just aren't long enough are they!

Started off as another "one of those days". Left the house slightly later than usual, dropped Ethan at nursery, had to go for fuel, started heading towards Edinburgh and realised I'd left my glasses at home! So had to turn around and go back home for them. Finally made it to work to discover I was the only person in our team in the office today as everyone else was either on a day off or working from home. It's a big open plan office, with lots of other people around, but just me, myself and I at our batch of desks so was a bit strange.

Apparently Ethan had a great day at nursery and kept having fits of giggles! He also did a picture of his painted feet there today. The staff were going to put it up on the wall but I liked it so much they let me take it home and are going to do another one with him instead!

He was really tetchy at home though. Didn't eat much dinner and although he enjoyed playing in the garden for a while, he then got really upset. Didn't want his bath and howled and clung to me, before finally sitting down and having a splash around. I think he was shattered from what sounds like a busy day though and he crashed out in bed without a fuss this evening.

Now lots for me to do before bedtime. No rest for the wicked and all that.

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