Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Home James...

...and don't spare the helicopters horses!

Home today - I hated leaving as the sun was shining and we'd had such a lovely time but all good things come to an end.

After packing and cleaning the caravan we finally left about 11.30. We stopped at Aberystwyth for a MaccyD and again at my brother-in-law's work so the boys could see the helicopter. We finally arrived home about 4 and the great unpack began. I put the first load of washing on (the first of many - still not finished!) and downloaded the photos - you've got to get your priorities right after all! As soon as the washing was finished it started raining so it's been a case of washing hanging all around the house with some in the tumble dryer - oh bliss! Well and truly down to earth with a bump!

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