Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Snail-like progress

I'm back!

We've been to New Quay in Wales for a week (just in case you're wondering!) and as we were completely without computers (for a WHOLE WEEK!!!!) I've been unable to blip.

I've now got all my back blips up to date if you fancy having a look. They're very quick entries I'm afraid as I've got loads to do. I wasn't going to mention it but I've finally managed to get an interview on Thursday! So today I've been getting my tuition planning up to date so that I can focus all my attention on planning my lesson and interview. I did some research last week but I didn't want it to spoil the holiday and family time so I've not really done much. After speaking to my friend, who is also a teacher, I'm changing what I was going to do anyway so it's back to the drawing board - I'm after the wow factor if anyone has any ideas?! I'm teaching English to a Year 3 class for half an hour.

Anyway - I must get on and do some tonight so I must go - please keep everything crossed for me for Thursday!

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