fovea centralis

By fovea


Today was the Atlas ride! I can't believe how quickly a year has come and gone; oh, and how much things have changed and also not changed.

I was completely enthralled with the ride, the people, and the beautiful hill country. I didn't take to many photos. (mostly mental pictures!). I have found that sometimes looking from behind a lens is distracting for me--I want to take in the whole scene, absorb it all. So my apologies I don't have more to share. See Kazuyoshi, Kathryn, and Brian for more.

It was so wonderful to reminisce about the last year's ride, to see old friend and new ones, and to just be there again. Its hard to explain the experience of Texas 4000; its an emotional roller coaster and it is hard to get off. Just last year it was our team, the 2010 team that was embarking on an incredible journey and now it's the 2011 teams turn. I'll be thinking about them everyday. And when I ride, I will be riding for them, for the people they will meet and inspire/encourage/motivate/etc along the way!

As the alumni team, we camped out with them after atlas and helped send them off the next morning.

Brian with his headlamp as we get ready to set up our tent


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