A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

The End---

of a quest!!

Last Autumn we started on a quest to find 'Rose Cottage' for Robbie's Roots.
Although he lives in Bedford and I am in Yorkshire we found a connection going back to the first world war. One of the names on our village war memorial was of his partners Uncle who is recorded as having live at 'Rose Cottage' Harden Brow. here

We couldn't find it then, but here it is. The crazy thing is it is right on the road and we pass it regularly. I have always admired this pretty pair of cottages raised up from the road but have never seen the name engraved into the wall next to the door. We walked up here yesterday and Chris spotted the sign - it must have been covered by plant growth when we looked last.

So this is for you and your partner Robbie. The name is next to the white  no by the door - try large.

As a bonus we have a lovely little Westie in the window wondering what I am up to!

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