A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

New view

Yes we are still here!
This is certainly better than the view from the front of our house at the moment. No more panics about leaks at the moment but there is a huge hole just outside the kitchen door and two more holes further down since yesterday. Here .

This is a 'new' stone bird bath. New to us it was rescued from Chris' mother's garden but fell into 3 pieces when moved. So at last it is here. It will soon be engulfed by the golden Fuchsia Genii but I am hoping the birds will eventually come to use it and then that might give me new blip opportunities!

The marking is gradually going down - just 4 small centres left - but you can tell how bad it was today, I was glad to take a break to do the ironing! I hate ironing but the increasing pile was stressing me out as much as the marking!

Just a week to go before we go to join the newly affianced for a celebration - looking forward to that. If we can get out!!!!!

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