Evening Shadows

A hectic Monday with team meetings and clients thrown into the mix. Then at the end of the day, when normal people are allowed to head home to feed their blip obsession relax, SHE made me go to the gym! My body is a temple and does NOT do gyms.

Apparently this offer was too good to pass up. The local gym was offering a 12 session bootcamp <shudder> for the knock down price of £19 all in. Apparently, this would be good for us, apparently. Well the nice young man was very nice and kind to us old crocs but he didn't let us slack. Apparently, again, this is a good thing. Tonights form of torture was called box fit. It involved some boxing (which was fun) but also some exercising, you know crunches and planks and other cruel exercises aimed at pain and discomfort :)

We have to attend again tomorrow lunchtime. I will tell you how we get on. That's if I can manage to get out of bed in the morning!

So a wee flower, basking in the evening sun is as good as it gets tonight. Enjoy :)

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