party of 5

By partyof5

~Enter to Learn. Learn to Serve~

Today was my Dad's retirement party after 35 years at an amazing school with an equally amazing group of people. My brothers and I were so blessed to have his example in our lives. Although a relgious man, he was never preachy to us as children. He lead by his example. Today we gathered as family, friends and collegues to honor him and his years of service. Below is a article that was written about him and if you have the time to read I think it explains why he is truely a unique and humble man. He chose to serve the school and it's children in the best way he could and he gave it literaly everything he had and then some. A great big thanks also goes out to my Mom who sacrified a lot as well because she believed, like him that this was God's plan for them and our family. Thank you Mom, I still do not know how you did it. Dad I love you, now it's your time for you and Mom. Go have fun, travel and just enjoy life and never forget what you always start our family prayers before a meal with "Let us remember, we are in the holy presence of God."

"La Salle Catholic College Preparatory's former principal Bill George will retire on June 30, 2011 after a 35-year career as a teacher, coach and administrator. George joined the La Salle Prep faculty in 1976 as a teacher and head baseball coach. Reflecting on his time at La Salle, George simply said, ?"I laughed a lot, and cried just a bit.?"

Prior to La Salle Prep, George was a social studies and English teacher; assistant football and basketball coach; and head baseball coach at Regis High School in Stayton, Ore. He led the Rams to back-to-back baseball titles in 1974 and 1975.

George continued to fill a variety of duties at La Salle Prep. As an educator, George taught English for all four grades, U.S. history, government, world history, personal finance and marriage & family life. George coached football for the Falcons and was the head baseball coach for 20 varsity seasons. Recently, George has assisted the baseball program at various levels, under the leadership of his youngest son, Chris, a 1997 graduate of La Salle Prep. 2011 will also be the final official season in which Bill George will coach high school baseball.

His administrative and non-teaching career took many paths. George was a college counselor, athletic director, dean of students, vice principal and principal. His tenure as principal ran from 1997-2006. In 2006, George retired from his post as principal and became the director of admissions for one year. After considering retirement in 2007, George was hired part-time as the school's director of campus facilities; a position he kept until his retirement.

La Salle's current principal, Tom Dudley, shares his thoughts on having followed in George's footsteps, "As soon as I arrived at La Salle, I realized I was standing on the shoulders of my predecessor, Bill George. His leadership has left an enduring mark on the culture of the school. Many people talk about the mission, but Bill George lives the mission. Whether it's access to education, serving the needs of the whole student, or ensuring a quality learning environment, you will see Bill's footprint all over the place. Persistent in his efforts, yet quiet in his demeanor, Bill is a model for us all."

George is a lifelong recipient of Catholic education in the city of Portland. In 1962, George graduated from St. Ignatius Parish School and attended Central Catholic High School. George graduated from Central Catholic in 1966 and attended the University of Portland, where he played baseball for the Pilots. He earned his bachelor's degree in teaching from the University of Portland in 1970 and his Master of Arts in Teaching from Portland State University in 1982.

Bill George defines vocation. La Salle has never been his job; it is his body of work, his calling. It was allowed to become that because of the unfailing support of his wife Pat and entire family. I guess it comes as no surprise, that all three of his children married La Salle alumni; it's in their blood," said Denise L. Jones, President of La Salle Prep.

Over 35 years, George has become a mentor and leader within the La Salle Prep community and within the San Francisco District of Lasallian Schools. George was the first chair of the San Francisco District Mission Council, led the Secondary School Administrators Association as vice-chair from 2003-2005 and is a founding member of De La Salle North Catholic in Portland. Currently, George is on the La Salle High School of Yakima Board of Trustees and helps direct the San Francisco District's Discerning Leaders Program.

In 1993, George received the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Regional Award for the San Francisco District and was honored at the annual Huether Lasallian Conference.

To celebrate his retirement, George will participate in the Lasallian service trip, Vandu Paaru, which will take him to the Boy's Village in South India for three weeks, beginnng June 15. Additionally, in honor of George's 35 years of service to La Salle Prep, the school established a named scholarship fund, the Bill George Scholarship Fund, which will provide tuition assistance for La Salle students.

"Often after such loyal and dedicated service to an institution, people struggle to find a gift that could properly celebrate the individual's contributions. This is not so with Bill George. It was easy; we knew establishing a scholarship to assure access to a student who would not be able to attend La Salle without financial assistance, would be perfect. This is a gift that embraces the foundation of the Lasallian mission and embodies Bill's 35 years of faith-based service," said Jones."

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