
By Chiara


Why?! Why?! WHY?! It's supposed to be the second day of spring! What did we Chicagoans do to deserve this? Argh. When you don't have a car, snow can ruin your entire day, as it did mine.

The photo was taken in Union Park. I like that park. The locals always have festivals and barbecues in the summer. Speaking of summer, when will this snowy ordeal end?! Argh.

Today is Jake's birthday. Jason, Sandra, and I went to his place and we played Mario Party 8 on his roommate's Wii. He's 25 now, and, yes, we played video games all night. It beats blowing lots of cash on booze as we originally planned, I guess.

Today a stranger told me that I looked like Apollonia Corleone (Michael's first wife, played by Simonetta Stefanelli, in The Godfather). He was the fifth or sixth person to tell me that. I personally don't see how I resemble her (except for maybe the brown eyes & the fact that we're both Sicilian), but I still feel flattered every time someone compares me to her. She's one of my favorite characters from The Godfather.

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