Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Reach for the sky...

... And then the oven cleaner.

I'm knee deep in a squidgy chocolate cake disaster.
A victim of failed multi-tasking. (There's still a lot going on!)

Himself : 'Please would you make a birthday cake for me to take to work?'
Me : (Magnanimous and confident.) 'Of course. No problem.'

The recipe was tried and tested, but today was NOT the day to try a new oven setting
(this is what comes of reading the oven manual two years after installation!
Who knew it had an exciting (humph) 'moist' setting for cakes??).

The 'Dotty Chocolate Cake' (!) took on the molten properties of Mount Vesuvius, after only 20 minutes in the oven.
Which, regrettably, I didn't notice until 25 minutes had elapsed.
So now, I have not only eaten a year's worth of calories from licking the bowl (where are the kids when you want them?) but I've also consumed all the edible lava from the sides of the tin, the oven (shelf AND bottom) and have made considerable inroads into the actual heap of disaster itself.

So, a quiet and unassuming lemon and orange drizzle cake was purchased, from a not quite local enough bakery (!).
And I sincerely hope those further calories all remain at the office.
On the hips of someone else ;-)

Oh I'm missing blipping properly.

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