Soldiering on...
I think (?) this is 'chloromyia fermosa' (a common soldier fly).
It sounds exotic, as if it should be a pretty little flower (whose scent anaesthetises those who are too short sighted to keep their distance!).
I wanted a good shot today (there've been too many days of 'quick blip').
This wasn't it. So, it wasn't necessarily a quick one, but it's the best of an average lot.
It was (in my defence) very windy and mostly grey with only occasional sunshine.
(And now I sound like a weather forecaster *waves left hand artistically (like fop) with fingers outstretched, ballerina-fashion*).
But hey, tomorrow's a new day, as yet unblipped.
Someone said yesterday that I sounded fed-up. I'm not! (But looking forward to a rest!)
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